Who Runs The Chihuahua Shack?

Welcome, Chihuahua lovers!

We are Michelle and Marco De Los Santos, founders of The Chihuahua Shack and owners of the feisty, but loving rescue Chihuahua named Leo.

They say that great things come in small packages, but who knew the package would be so furry.

Who is Marco De Los Santos?

Marco is a former Marine, lifelong learner, and dog lover.

Marco’s fondness for our favorite furry animals dates back as far as his early childhood when his family was actively involved in fostering and adopting dogs, particularly Chihuahuas and Chiweenies.

A man with black hair wearing a blue shirt is holding a tan deer-head Chihauhua

While those days are long gone, he continues to carry on that unwavering love for dogs, now shared with little Leo.

Who Is Michelle De Los Santos?

Michelle is a language lover, bookworm, seasoned traveler, and dog aficionado.

She is passionate about health and wellness and living naturally.

Her journey began with a personal experience that deeply impacted her perspective on canine health.

Her family dog, a Bichon Frise, battled cancer and sadly crossed over the rainbow bridge at the age of 14.

woman wearing hat and glasses holding a tan chihuahua in her arms

This heartbreaking loss motivated Michelle to delve into the realm of health, supplements, and nutrition in an effort to prevent cancer and promote optimal well-being for both humans and dogs.

Today, a disheartening 50% of dogs over the age of 10 will develop cancer. This stark reality calls for change.

Adopting Leo

We had the joy of rescuing our Chihuahua, Leo, from the shelter when he was 2 years old.

Little did we know that he would ignite a passion in us to share our knowledge and research about dogs, particularly those that fit in your lap.

When we first brought him home, we realized he had not been taught any commands and was very scared.

With patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement training, we embarked on a journey of training Leo and teaching him everything he needed to know.

Through this journey, we’ve been privileged to witness a truly extraordinary transformation.

From a timid soul, Leo has blossomed into a courageous and adventurous companion who loves walkies, sunbathing, going to the park, and chewing his favorite chews.

Marco and Michelle, avid travelers and explorers of their home state of California, have found immense joy in sharing their adventures with their beloved dog, Leo.

Whether it’s embarking on scenic hikes, exploring new cities, or simply enjoying the beauty of nature, Leo’s enthusiasm for travel and exploration has added an extra layer of excitement and fulfillment to their journeys.

What Is Our Blog About?

The idea to start this blog came from our desire to both chronicle our progress as adult dog owners as well as condense the wide range of information that exists about dog health, wellness, and care.

Our goal is to provide dog parents with accurate, up-to-date information so that you can make informed decisions about your own pets.

As devoted pet parents ourselves, we have a fervent desire to share our knowledge and experiences to help dog guardians build amazing relationships with their pups.

Driven by the questions and curiosities we’ve had as dog owners, we strive to address a wide array of topics and provide comprehensive answers to questions we had ourselves such as:

All the most-asked questions are located in our Chi FAQ section.

Whether you’re a first-time pet owner or have had many dogs, you’ll find something useful on our blog!

Enough about us, we want to know about you and your dog.

What questions did you have when you first got your pup and what questions keep you up today? Send us an email or message us on Facebook or Instagram!